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Are You Still “Investing” In Your Career?

I recently attended “Champ Camp” as the guest of Inspiring Champions President and Founder, Lauren Gartland. WOW!. . . . . what an experience! I have been in this industry for a while and like many of you been to lots of training courses and events. I know, been there done that, and we probably have the same t-shirt too, but hang on! During this event, I was reminded of HOW MUCH WE NEED positive reinforcement and togetherness in our professional lives. I do this stuff for a living and I was so. . . into this bliss. Back on earth, I couldn’t help but think about the hair stylist I recently spoke to about continuing education, and their answer. “I chose to be a booth renter so that I could make as much money in as few days as possible. I don’t have time for continuing education, besides I’ve done all that” I don’t know how to respond to that, do you? I know that grass roots education is alive and prospering in salons all over the land. Skilled professionals are standing up and offering their skills for (very reasonable prices) to those who are willing to invest in the rest of their career. Here is a link to a SoCal based group that teach the GREAT stuff we all need to know or be refreshed on. So, are you investing in the rest of your career, or getting as much for as little as you can? We have family friends who are GP’s (General Practitioners) and I asked how often do you need to take continuing education to serve your patients properly, and they said, to be on top of every new development, we need to update at least 4 times a year. Hair stylists are cutting edge people aren’t we, how are you doing?? More to come. . . . . .

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